Trail Rules and Regulations


Association Ait Ben Haddou course sur route et Marathon organisé la 7ème édition de Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou qui aura lieu le 29 Décembre 2024.
L’itinéraire emprunte diverses sortes de terrains Palmeraies, traversées de villages, vieux asséchés, plateaux caillouteux, montagnes. Les participants du Morocco Trail Aït-Ben-Haddou devront impérativement suivre le balisage de la course prévu par l’organisation

Les organisateurs s’engagent à retirer ces indications après le passage des coureurs .La distance à parcourir soit le 10km ou 30km.
Moroccotrail Aït-Ben-Haddou est ouvert à toute personnes licenciée et non âgée de plus 18ans. Chaque participant doit être porteur du dossard fourni par l’organisation.



Definition of the Event:

Le Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou est un événement sportif à caractère et culturel, organisé par Ait Ben Haddou Association Course sur Route et Marathon. La 7ème édition aura lieu le 29 Décembre 2024. Le parcours choisi sillonnait l’édifice de Le Ksar d’Ait Ben Haddou, reconnu patrimoine mondial de L’UNESCO.

Five main objectives:

  • To enhance the historical monument of the Ksar of Ait Ben Haddou.
  • To culminate the association's activities with a sports, cultural, and social event.
  • To create a space for socialization benefiting amateur and professional athletes of all ages and from different social backgrounds, promoting total social integration.
  • To introduce the youth of Ait Ben Haddou to the benefits of sports activities in individual life and to encourage those who may be hesitant or resistant to participate, helping them overcome any barriers or reservations.
  • To strengthen the role of sports as a means of human development.


Two categories are planned: Women and Men.

Start :

10H00 devant le Ksar AÏT-BEN-HADDOU. (Patrimoine mondial)région d’Ouarzazate dans le sud de Maroc.
Les concurrents sont priés présenter un certificat médical de “non contre-indication à la course à pied en compétition” de moins de 3 mois à la date de départ de la course est obligatoire pour le 30km,10km et aux marcheurs à l’inscription.

Technical Direction/Jury:

The technical services are provided by the organizing committee, which reserves the right to make decisions in case of disputes.

Medical Assistance:

Medical assistance is provided during the event. The medical team has the authority to request a participant to withdraw from the race in case of physical distress.

Refreshments and Sponging:

Refreshments and sponging are provided by the organizing committee in accordance with the applicable regulations. Failure to comply with this article may result in disqualification of the participant.

Registration Fees:

Comprenant l’hébergement en chambre double Hôtel 3êtoiles, deux nuitée en demi-pension, le dossard, Le T-chirt et la médaille de l’édition (155Euro), uniquement le dossard,Tee-shirt, Médaille (40Euro pour 30km, 30Euro pour 10km).

Right to Image:

The organizer reserves the exclusive rights regarding the photo and video coverage of the Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou. By participating in the Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou, the participant agrees that the organizer may use their image (for promotional, advertising purposes, etc.) worldwide.

Mandatory Equipment for Participants

  • A camelback
  • An eco-cup for refreshments
  • Whistle
  • Headlamp
  • Passport or, for Moroccan residents, an identity card (photocopy accepted).

Obligations of Participants:
Every participant acknowledges having read and understood the present regulations, declares themselves physically fit to participate, and accepts all clauses therein. They solemnly commit not to anticipate the start and to complete the entire distance before crossing the finish line.

Need assistance?

Please contact us at for any inquiries or questions.