7ème édition du Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou

Ne ratez pas l’événement de trail le plus excitant de l’année ! La 7ème édition du Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou vous attend avec des parcours épiques, des paysages à couper le souffle et une ambiance incomparable. Que vous soyez un coureur débutant ou un traileur chevronné, cette course est conçue pour vous défier et vous faire vivre des moments inoubliables. Rejoignez-nous et faites partie de cette aventure incroyable, où vous repousserez vos limites, rencontrerez d’autres passionnés de trail et créerez des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant et préparez-vous à vivre une expérience unique et inoubliable lors de la 7ème édition du Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou !


To each their own distance

Short trail

10 Km

Take on the challenge of the 10 km Short Trail at Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou and experience an exhilarating race in a spectacular setting. Whether you're a beginner runner seeking your first trail adventure or an experienced trail enthusiast looking for a fast and challenging course, this trail is designed to push you beyond your limits.

Long trail

30 Km

Get ready for an epic adventure on the 30 km Long Trail at Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou. This course will take you through diverse trails, from majestic mountains to serene valleys. Whether you're an experienced trail runner or seeking an intermediate challenge, this trail will provide you with an unforgettable experience.

Most popular

Everything you need to know

Les départs des courses du Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou auront lieu à 10h00 le 29 décembre 2024 devant le Ksar Aït-Ben-Haddou, un site classé au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO. Ce magnifique point de départ offre un cadre exceptionnel pour le début de l’aventure. Situé dans la région d’Ouarzazate, dans le sud du Maroc, le Ksar Aït-Ben-Haddou est un véritable trésor architectural et culturel. Les participants auront la chance de s’élancer depuis ce lieu emblématique et de vivre une expérience unique au cœur de paysages spectaculaires.

The registration fees for the Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou event vary depending on the race distance. Here are the registration fees for each course:

  • Premium Package: The Premium package includes accommodation in a double room at a 3-star hotel, two nights on a half-board basis, the race bib, the t-shirt, and the edition's medal. The total cost to avail all these elements is 155 euros.
  • Short Trail (10 km): The registration fee is 30 euros. This includes the race bib, the t-shirt, and the edition's medal.
  • Long Trail (30 km): The registration fee for the 30 km course is 40 euros. This amount covers the race bib, the t-shirt, and the edition's medal.

Regarding the weather, during the Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou race, you can expect generally hot and sunny conditions. Based on climate statistics, the average minimum temperature is around 17.7°C, the average temperature is around 26.4°C, and the average maximum temperature is around 34°C.

Regarding the terrain, the Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou course traverses various types of landscapes. You'll have the opportunity to pass through palm groves, villages, rocky plateaus, and even mountains. These diverse terrains will add richness and variety to your racing experience, providing you with stunning landscapes and varied challenges throughout the course.

Participants must equip themselves with a camelback, an eco-cup for refreshment stations, a whistle, a headlamp, and a passport (or identity card for Moroccan residents).

Les concurrents sont priés de présenter un certificat médical de “non contre-indication à la course à pied en compétition” datant de moins de 3 mois à la date de départ de la course. Ce certificat médical est obligatoire pour les parcours de 30 km, 10 km, ainsi que pour les marcheurs lors de leur inscription. Cette mesure vise à garantir la sécurité et le bien-être des participants pendant l’événement du Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou. Veuillez vous assurer de vous conformer à cette exigence pour pouvoir participer à la course.

The main objectives of the Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou event are as follows:

  • To enhance the historical monument of Ksar D’Ait Ben Haddou: The event aims to showcase this iconic historical monument by connecting it with a significant sporting and cultural activity.
  • Crowning the association's activities with a sports, cultural, and social event: The event serves as the culmination of the association's activities, combining sports, culture, and social initiatives.
  • Creating a social space for amateur and professional athletes of all ages and diverse social backgrounds, thus promoting genuine social mixing.
  • Introducing the youth of Ait Ben Haddou to the benefits of sports activities in individual life and encouraging those who are hesitant to engage in this practice.
  • Strengthening the role of sports as a means of human development, emphasizing its benefits for physical and mental health, as well as for strengthening social bonds.

Join the thrilling adventure of Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou!

Book your spot today to experience the ultimate trail adventure and push your limits in the breathtaking landscapes of Morocco Trail Ait Ben Haddou.

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